Friday, July 24, 2009


I planted herb seeds with P not too long ago. She helped me put them in our "pot", which is really our broken wheel barrow. Every day we water the "seeeeeds" as she calls them. I show her the tiny budding sprouts and roots.

I know she's too young to really understand the whole concept of what is happening. I am hoping that on some subconscious level I'm starting to plant my own seeds. I hope sooner than later she'll start to entertain concepts like consistency, patience, daily growth and that all great things take time to build. I'm hoping to have a concrete example of what "instant gratification" is not for future years.

We'll see.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Hair Cut

Today I gave P her third hair cut. Twiggy is my inspiration for how I style it. For now, I find short hair to be easier for me and P. Also, I'm hoping that my bi-monthly trims will make it thicker. Don't know if this is fact or fiction.