P stepped on a bee yesterday morning. Her foot started itching in the evening and then it swelled overnight. She has spent most of the day on the couch. I've been doing a round of homeopathic solutions: epson salt soak, garlic taped on the location of the sting, cotton pads soaked in apple cider vinegar and placed all on the swollen area. Next I'll try Manuka honey and mud. She says it doesn't itch anymore, only when I massage it. It still feels pretty tight when I feel it underneath.
In the mean time I'm thinking how much TV can a kid watch in one day? Dave took G to Ikea so I had to take advantage of this one on one time and try to distract her from her foot some how. We can bake...even though it's a thousand degrees outside.
It's also 4th of July weekend. We should have something special right? Cake! Vanilla bundt cake with fresh whipped cream and strawberries!
P and I made this recipe together from Bon Appetite, except I didn't add the raspberries since we'll eat it with fresh strawberries. I also don't plan on doing the icing. The whip cream is good enough. I like that the cake uses olive oil. Seems healthier as far as a delicious cake goes.
Every time I cook with the girls I remember how great it is for them. I try to say everything in Spanish so that's a bonus. Then there's the whole following instructions thing, the measuring, counting, problem solving. Just getting the beater attachment to hook onto the Kitchen Aid is an exercise in problem solving. I try to keep my mouth shut and let her solve it on her own. Hard though.
It's also hard to cook a meal that needs to be on the table within 30 minutes AND patiently work with a child. It's why I end up making cakes or leisurely food with them. I need to summon my inner zen more often. Cooking is a valuable tool in so many ways for all people.
It's blazing hot. I need to get in the pool while that cake is baking!
She learned the difference between mixing and folding.
G helped by adding vanilla to the cream.